BrassTracks (Golden Ticket) - Evil Twin Brewery (Falco)

Golden Ticket
BrassTrack's debut album “Golden Ticket” can be described as nothing else but fun! The warm tones of the brass, the funk Rhythms, the amazing ensemble of features, and the blending of hip-hop make this album unique from track to track and a blast to listen to.
Brasstracks are an American R&B-hip hop production duo based in Brooklyn, New York, composed of Ivan Jackson and Conor Rayne. A modern take at RNB and jazz, emphasizing heavy collaboration with other musicians spanning across genres.
by Evil Twin Brewery
A perfectly balanced American IPA. A clean refreshing taste with a hint of citrus and malt. A medium mouthfeel that glides across your taste buds leaving a delightful after taste rather than bitterness from the hops. Smooth and drinkable to the last sip.
A Frozen Discovery
I first discovered “Falco” when dining at Miss Ada’s restaurant in Brooklyn, indoor dining had been suspended and it was a cold January night, my partner and I were freezing sitting next to our heater that didn’t work. I order a “Falco” and when I took the first sip it was like I was transported to springtime. I felt warm in spirit, less concerned with the cold. You could say these are the normal effects of beer but I would argue that it was the taste and the feeling the beer gave me not the effects of alcohol. I was happy and reminded of warm sunny spring days and the joys of summertime. Not many beers I have had have held this power. But Evil Twin always delivers.
When thinking about who to pair with this delicious beer I know I wanted a musician who captured that same feeling for me. BrassTracks is the band for me if I am ever feeling down or unproductive I throw them on and I am instantly jamming. I constantly have “Golden Ticket” playing on repeat.
Not only does the song feature two amazing artists Masego and Common, but the groove on the title track is also infectious. It makes you want to get up and hit the town. It instantly takes me to the perfect Saturday night, spending time with friends, relaxing, drinking some amazing beers, and seeing where the night goes. Of all the songs on the album “Golden Ticket” feels most reminiscent of “Falco” grooving and driving from the beat or sip one. The whole albums feel like a group of friends just jamming and music for the sake of it, in the same way, “Falco” feels to me like a beer that needs to be shared and enjoyed with friends. This is the combo for anyone who is in need of fun. For the folks who need to get out of their head and into their soul or spirit!! Life is short, groove lots and get after it! ✌️